GRIT&ROCK is a charity which aims to help teenage girls aged 13 to 15 from deprived, inner city backgrounds develop greater grit, determination and self-confidence through a year-long mountaineering training programme.
In October 2016 GRIT&ROCK has launched three pilot projects in Blackpool, Middlesbrough and London’s Tower Hamlets. In its first two years of operation year some 100 teenage girls benefited from a programme that featured weekly supervised indoor climbing sessions leading to NICAS certification, outdoors scrambling courses in the UK and an alpine skills initiation course. Girls will received mentorship from women with inspirational stories, including charity’s patron Hazel Findlay and Anoushe Husain.
GRIT&ROCK uses mental toughness scoring to assess effectiveness of its pilot programmes. Based on evidence of programmes administered by the National Outdoors Leadership School and Outward Bound, GRIT&ROCK expects the girls to benefit significantly from the programme, with many developing a love for the outdoors that will create healthy habits and have a positive influence on their lives.
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